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Electronic Components
Electronic components are essential for operating and monitoring your Tennant equipment. From gauges and indicators to diodes, power cords and switches, these OEM replacement parts offer safety, easy installation and guaranteed compatibility with your Tennant machine.
- Alternators — Keep your electrical system at peak power with a replacement alternator or generator. These 12-volt alternators and generators offer reliable, steady power output.
- Circuit Boards — Replace circuit boards and module kits that control the electronic parts on your Tennant machine with OEM parts for best performance. Choose from controllers, circuit boards and modules as well as circuit protection components like breakers, rectifiers and fuses, which help prevent overloads and short circuits.
- Control Box Assembly — Keep your Tennant machine's control console operating efficiently with an OEM control box. Choose from trigger and dual-trigger assemblies available in both right- and left-handed models.
- Meters & Alarms — Choose meters, gauges and alarms designed to let you clearly and accurately read the pad pressure, battery charge, usage hours and temperature of your Tennant machine.
- Motor Brushes — Ensure the longevity and performance of your Tennant cleaning machine's motor with an OEM replacement motor brush.
- Power Cords — Find the proper replacement power cord—in the length, gauge and color you need—to keep your Tennant machine operating safely.
- Switches & Relays — Choose from a variety of electronic switches, relays and terminals to keep your Tennant machine running smoothly. Electronic switch designs including roller snap, safety shutoff, ignition and rockers. Relays and contactors protect against voltage spikes and control current flow to electronic components. Terminals and connectors attach to external circuits and ensure your Tennant machine is operating at peak performance.
Get the greatest return on your investment and reduce your overall cost to clean when you pair Tennant electronic components with TennantTrue® Service. Local Tennant service representatives are ready to diagnose and fix your problems quickly.
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